Rising Sophomore Options

Rising sophomore students (second year students), have the option to apply to live in New Hall or Jones Hall Apartments as well as any of the standard residence halls.

New Hall and Jones Hall Apartments

These facilities offer rising sophomore students an opportunity to live in a four-person unit; however, some six-person units can be available in New Hall. Sophomore students assigned to Jones Hall Apartments during the housing assignment process will pay the same rate as a 4 person New Hall pod. A full meal plan is required for sophomore students residing in Jones Hall Apartments (just like in New Hall).

Assignments are made based on the combined earned credit hours of the group, coupled with the need to fill all available units. Rising sophomores currently residing in New Hall will receive priority consideration for Jones Hall Apartments or New Hall placement. Please note that there is not adequate space to house all sophomore students in these facilities.

Standard Residence Halls

Additional housing options for rising sophomore students include our standard residence halls of Hale Hall, Moore Hall, Powell Hall, and Schroeder Hall. Students assigned to these residential communities may request a roommate or request a private room for an additional fee (single rooms are not permitted in Hale Hall).

Assignment Process

  • Request Cards for New Hall and Jones Hall Apartments Available (Monday, February 26 – March 1): Groups meeting the above criteria can pick up requests cards from the Office of Residence Life.
  • Request Cards Due (Friday, March 1): Completely fill out and turn in your request card to the Office of Residence Life no later than 5:00 p.m. Late requests will not be accepted. Note: If you apply with less than full occupancy (4 or 6 roommates) you will be paired with others who also apply with less than full occupancy to fill a unit.
  • New Hall and Jones Hall Apartment Placements will be assigned by Residence Life Staff based on returned Request Cards; taking into consideration the preferences indicated on the Request Cards and the need to fill available units. Notification of New Hall and Jones Hall Apartment Assignments will be emailed out on March 18.

Students not receiving an assignment in New Hall or Jones Hall Apartments, or students not wishing to live in these facilities, will be assigned housing based on the Hall Assignments process.

* Students must have submitted all required materials to be assigned housing. Required materials include a contract and registration via Self-Service as well as any additional registration materials (i.e. request cards for New Residence Hall and/or Villages, Village supplemental agreements, etc.). Individual housing preferences will be taken into consideration as well as the availability of space for 2024-2025. The University reserves the right to make or change assignments, assign a new roommate, or consolidate spaces at any point in the academic year bases on the needs of the program.